Governing Council

Aldgate Primary School Governing Council is committed to providing a positive and proactive voice on behalf of the school community.

Governing Councils work with site leaders and staff to help set and monitor the direction of the school. The governing council meets twice a term on a Tuesday evening, and topics might include:

  • the academic achievement of the students,
  • the Site Improvement Plan, (that is what the school will be
         focussing on improving on the current year)
  • fundraising
  • OSHC
  • facilities and policies

Our role is to:

  • set the broad direction of the school after considering student,
         parent, staff and community input
  • develop policies which match the school’s vision
  • monitor the school budget

Governing Council is comprised of 10 elected members of the school community, plus the principal and a staff representative. Elected members serve for two-year terms. All members of the school community are welcome to attend Governing Council meetings, however only elected members have voting rights.

Governing Council has the following sub-committees 

  • Finance
  • Out of School Hours Care
  • Grounds and the Environment
  • Fundraising

Members of the school community are welcome to attend sub-committee meetings. 

Members of the Governing Council for 2024 are:

  • Jarrod Carter (Chair)
  • Emily Heard
  • Hannah Sandlant
  • Meridee Jensen
  • Annabel Kent
  • Adele Pepper (Secretary)
  • Ryan Reeve (Treasurer)
  • Katherine Brown
  • Jodie Mantel
  • Rebecca Infante

For information and contact details on Governing Council or our sub-committees, please contact the front office on 08 8339 2377 or